Taking an Artistic Approach as an Event Street Photographer

Taking an Artistic Approach as an Event Street Photographer

Recently I decided to take some photos as a sort of “event street photographer.” Here I’ll talk about the process and show the results! What is Street Photography? If you’re not familiar with street photography, it’s candidly documenting the everyday life and interactions of people in public spaces. Sometimes the subjects know their photo is…

Taking Unique Photos at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis

Taking Unique Photos at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis

Looking for the Different I’ve never been one to look for THE shot. The “hero” shot (it’s an advertising term). The postcard shot. So when I do photography at tourist locations like the Gateway Arch, I’m looking to see how many unique angles I can find. I have no illusions that I’ve taken the most…

The Beautiful 40 Mile Point Lighthouse in Rogers City, Michigan

The Beautiful 40 Mile Point Lighthouse in Rogers City, Michigan

Let’s be honest: lighthouses are freaking cool. I love the idea of 19th century ships navigating a rocky coast, relying upon some guy named Ebenezer or Ignatius to keep a lamp lit in order to avoid losing life or cargo. So yes, when visiting the Great Lakes, it’s imperative to head to the nearest lighthouse…

Creating an Everyday Photo Story: Sunrise on Lake Huron

Creating an Everyday Photo Story: Sunrise on Lake Huron

Photographers will wake up at 3am and hike for hours just to photograph a perfect sunrise. Some photographers. That’s not really my style. But staying in a cabin 100 yards from one of the Great Lakes? Sure, I can make a “sunrise on Lake Huron” photo story happen. Make it a story. There’s no official…

Stonewall Sports – Indianapolis Kickball

Stonewall Sports – Indianapolis Kickball

Stonewall Sports Indianapolis is a community sports organization for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. I went out to document opening day for their fall kickball league at Frederick Douglass Park in Indianapolis. What a fun group! There was plenty of music, customized uniforms, and not-so-subtle team names. If you’re in the Indy area and looking for…

everglades national park anhinga trail
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Beautiful Wildlife on Anhinga Trail in Everglades National Park

After a year of staying near home and only visiting state parks, I had forgotten just how large national parks are. Anhinga Trail in Everglades National Park was a great way to reacclimate to hiking with young kids in an expansive environment. Anhinga Trail is less than a mile round trip and there were plenty…

A Winter Walk

A Winter Walk

It’s winter in the Midwest. What’s a social-distancing photographer to do? Go for a walk in the woods! Grateful to have some beautiful nature right outside my door. On this day I noticed a lot of interesting details, complex reflections and unique colors. I may not have had sweeping vistas to photograph, but I like…

Seek & Find

Seek & Find

Nothing like a good ol’ fashioned last-minute photo assignment. I was asked at 4:30 to accompany my 8-year-old to the creek to hunt for golf balls. I enjoyed making artistic photos of found golf balls, which I was definitely not something that had ever crossed my mind before. I spent less than 90 minutes shooting…