Top Ten Photos of 2025

Top Ten Photos of 2025

#1 “View from Lanai”January 3, 2025Camera: Fujifilm X-T20Lens: XF 23mm f/2 I’m always looking for a different perspective on the same subjects. So instead of photographing the beach straight on, I looked out the smaller window to the North. I like the geometry of the building set against the natural landscape. The lines of the…

The Challenge of Photographing a Balloon Glow
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The Challenge of Photographing a Balloon Glow

Photographing a Balloon Glow like Jupiter Flights at Connor Prairie is challenging due to quickly changing light conditions. Digital photography makes this much easier with instant feedback and take a lot of frames. However it is possible on film especially with an automatic mode like aperture priority.

Beautiful Photos from NASA Mission STS-41B: the First Untethered Spacewalk

Beautiful Photos from NASA Mission STS-41B: the First Untethered Spacewalk

We just marked the 40th anniversary of an important NASA mission. What does that have to do with photography? A LOT! Photos from NASA Mission STS-41B are some of the greatest in history! During the space mission, which took place February 3-11, 1984, astronauts completed the first untethered space walks. Even if you’ve never heard…

Photoshoot with an Indianapolis Motor Speedway Camaro
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Photoshoot with an Indianapolis Motor Speedway Camaro

Having lived in Indianapolis for 17 years now, I always wondered who got to drive the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Camaros I’d see around town each year starting in the spring. Well, now I know because I’m one of them! An Extremely Brief Introduction to the IMS If you’re not familiar with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway…

From the Archive: A Day Documenting Life in Bloomington, Indiana

From the Archive: A Day Documenting Life in Bloomington, Indiana

Bloomington, Indiana is the home of Indiana University, my alma mater. I found these photos from a visit 5 years ago that I never put on the blog. This was a walk around town on a typical Friday in September. There were no special events or anything extraordinary happening. I feel like these photos are…

Havana Spice Restaurant – Homestead, Florida
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Havana Spice Restaurant – Homestead, Florida

Being a documentary photographer means photo stories present themselves at random times, including while waiting for takeout at an eclectic restaurant called Havana Spice in the city of Homestead, Florida. I need to be ready to shoot them at the drop of a hat. This is exactly why I carry my compact Fujifilm mirrorless camera…

indiana high school basketball state champs trey lyles

Basketball Emotion in the Hoosier State

I absolutely LOVE doing documentary photography of basketball! If you haven’t heard, Indiana is a HUGE basketball state. Yes, more than other states. There’s nowhere else a movie like Hoosiers could have been made. I scanned years of my archive of images I shot for organizations like the Indiana High School Athletic Association and the…

8 Tips for Great Snow Photography
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8 Tips for Great Snow Photography

I love taking photos in the snow! It lets me see everyday locations with a new perspective. Snow provides technical challenges and unique visual possibilities. Let’s talk about those before you head out in the cold with your camera. Here are 8 tips for snow photography. They cover content, composition, and technical considerations when photographing outdoors…

Bethel Cemetery

Bethel Cemetery

One of the many reasons I love my work is that I never know what type of shoots are going to come my way.  Documenting the rededication of Bethel Cemetery is definitely a photo story different than any I have done before. A logistics company called Cardno contacted me in the fall to document the…

Indiana City Brewing

Indiana City Brewing

Indiana City Last week I visited Indiana City Brewing on the southeast side of downtown Indianapolis to check out their brewing process. It was fun to watch. The building they’re housed in is super cool and the morning light definitely heightened the scene. I’ve been doing documentary photography and drinking beer (not at the same…


Nathaniel Russell

Recently I had the opportunity to photograph artist Nathaniel Russell in his home studio. His work is often humorous, sometimes political and always thoughtful. Nature and animals are frequent themes, along with humans in their odd beauty and beautiful oddness. It’s great to see a native Hoosier making cool art around the world and still…


Sidewalk Chalk

Sometimes creation is destruction. That’s definitely the case with this Crayola sidewalk chalk. It tends to happen when the chalk is worn, broken, left in the rain, dried out and then left in the rain again. Or sometimes it happens with a new box. You can never be sure when the urge will strike. With…

national donut day titus bakery westfield indiana

National Donut Day

Today while standing in line to buy donuts at Titus Bakery, I found out it is National Donut Day. It’s not just another Hallmark holiday; it’s a reason to indulge in our unofficial national breakfast treat (as if you need one other than “deliciousness”). So sit back and let me paint (photograph) a picture for…

apple computer take apart homeschooling unschooling


What do you do with those old electronics you have around the house? Recycle them? Sure, but first, use them for a take-apart project. Kids love to see what’s inside things. The opportunity to crack open an old computer is something they can’t turn down. And whether they’re using a tiny screwdriver to remove intricate…

chocolate syrup art toddler carmel indiana

A Delicious Medium

Today we present a photo story of a young artist discovering a delicious medium. One of the many benefits of working from home when you have four (and soon five) kids who homeschool is witnessing, and subsequently documenting, their shenanigans. This is what happens when you leave a tempting item on the kitchen counter within…

indy 500 race party memorial day weekend cousins

Celebrity Cousins

A documentary photographer never rests, even on Memorial Day weekend. Indy 500 race day in Indianapolis means family get-togethers and visits with celebrity cousins. Here’s what comedian Jim Gaffigan has to say about these special family members… “…the ultimate reason for attending family gatherings is for your children to have the time of their lives…

US Senator Richard Lugar

Senator Richard Lugar

Richard Lugar served as United States Senator from Indiana from 1977-2013. He passed away on April 28 at the age of 87. Lugar is known for his international diplomacy, working to greatly reduce the world’s supply of nuclear weapons and helping to pressure the end of apartheid in South Africa. After his Senate career ended,…

RIOT LA Alternative Comedy Festival
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Download the Low Light Photography Guide

Enter your name and email below to download our PDF guide “Low Light Photography: Using Available Light”. It’s well worth your time to learn how to photograph in dimly lit or dark situations because so many awesome moments happen in the dark – and using a flash can really kill the mood!  In the guide,…

RIOT LA Alternative Comedy Festival
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Low Light Photography: Intro

One of the most difficult aspects of photography is shooting in low light. However, with my documentary approach, it’s a skill I need in order to maintain the integrity of the subject material and avoid affecting the end result with my presence. Therefore over the past 15 years I’ve developed a series of practices that allow…

Preschool Kids Playground

Kids. Just being.

I had a co-op day recently at my kids’ preschool and thought I’d take a few photos.  It’s a kind and loving environment where kids can explore their own interests in their own ways.  They spend time outside every day, including in the rain and snow. Scroll through the gallery below to see what it’s like…

Christkindlmarkt Carmel Indiana Ice Skating
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This past weekend was the grand opening of the Carmel Christkindlmarkt.  I stopped by on Sunday evening to check out the scene.  It’s a beautiful setup with the Palladium in the background.  The iceskating is affordable, and there are special deals on Wednesday and Thursday, so be sure to check out the website for details:…

Syrian Refugees In Indiana

Refugees in Indiana

Like many people, the images I’ve seen in the news lately of refugees fleeing violence and war have affected me deeply.  Parents are going through extraordinary lengths to protect their children, risking their lives seeking safety and stability. America is a country founded and built by refugees and immigrants with these same basic goals.  That’s why…