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It’s well worth your time to learn how to photograph in dimly lit or dark situations because so many awesome moments happen in the dark – and using a flash can really kill the mood! In the guide, I address the following topics and more…
- the benefits of shooting in low light without artificial light
- gear considerations if you want to make great images in dimly lit situations
- techniques you can use while shooting to increase your yield of quality photos.
- post-production practices for editing photos from low-light shoots
To illustrate the guide, I’m using images from the four years I photographed RIOT LA Alternative Comedy Festival. I thought RIOT was the perfect backdrop for a discussion on low light photography. Shooting exclusively with available light at night and in dark theaters and bars was a fun challenge at the festival and made for some really cool and rewarding images.

Here’s the table of contents to preview the topics I address in the guide…

If you’re looking for links to the original series of blog posts, you can find them here.