Search Results for: quarantine

Sun in the Wintertime

Sun in the Wintertime

What’s a photographer to do in a pandemic? I’m someone who likes to photograph people most of all. I need to avoid people as much as possible right now. And when I’m around others, I can’t photograph them in the close manner I’m accustomed to. So I spend a lot of time outdoors. And with…

A Winter Walk

A Winter Walk

It’s winter in the Midwest. What’s a social-distancing photographer to do? Go for a walk in the woods! Grateful to have some beautiful nature right outside my door. On this day I noticed a lot of interesting details, complex reflections and unique colors. I may not have had sweeping vistas to photograph, but I like…

It’s May

It’s May

It’s May and we’re half in the box. Documenting life in the here-and-now has been very interesting. As a trained photojournalist, I’ve always thought of “finding a story” as going out into the world and looking for something interesting to shoot.  Ironically I’ve found these restrictions more freeing. I have to focus on what’s nearby,…



As the quarantine presses on, I’m finding a lot of different experiences to photograph. The first story I published on the blog was about doing familiar activities in a new environment. The next story interpreted the feeling of social distancing. This week I’m looking at closeness and family bonding in the wake of the distance…

Change of Course

Change of Course

We’re all doing things a bit differently these days. One thing that’s interesting to me is how some of the things we’re doing are CLOSE to what we did before, but not exactly the same. For example, my family likes to hike and explore nature. But since we’re not going out to parks right now,…