Shooting a Photo Story
Today we head to the creek to look for a little motivation for shooting a photo story.
It can be hard to find the desire to get out and shoot on a gray winter day. However, if as a creative, I need to create, even in less-than-ideal circumstances.
In this post, I’ll walk through the steps that led to the final product. In other words, you have to get to the bottom of the post to see the finished piece.
Go Shoot
First, we had to get out and explore. When the weather is bland, it’s easy to feel like there’s nothing interesting to see, but really there is. We just have to go look for it.

Friday Photo Tips
If you’ve seen any of my social media channels, you’ll know I post a tip each Friday with some friendly advice.
The week I shot this story, my post was about getting out and shooting a story. You can view that photo tip below.
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube to see future Friday Photo Tips. You can learn how to improve your photography no matter what your level of experience is.
The Final Photo Story
Now for the finished piece! Watch the video below to see how I applied the advice from the Friday Photo Tip to the images and video clips I shot.
Hey, my YouTube channel is one of the places we post our Friday Photo Tips and photo stories. Subscribe to see our latest videos as soon as they’re posted.
ALSO, I have a secondary, more vanity-driven motive for asking you to subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Currently, my channel has the following name in the URL: UCDm1S5mxu4ZSFEstNy6civA.
I do not like that. When I hit 100 subscribers I can change it to something nice like ZachDobsonPhoto.
Related Posts
Here are some other personal stories I created about just going out and doing things.
I hope this inspires you to do things, too! And then create some art! Yeah!