Indianapolis Monumental Marathon 2021

Well, we’re back to photographing major sporting events! Here are some of my favorite photos from the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon, 2021.

When I posted these on Instagram, I had people ask if I was shooting the race for fun. No! While it IS fun to photograph, I was hired to be there. My client is the race organizer. They use my photos for their website, social media, promotional materials, sponsor decks, signage, ads and more!

indianapolis marathon indiana convention center

What Do I Look For?

While I’m covering an event like this, I look for a good variety of images to tell a story. I want photos that are wide (sense of place), medium (action & reaction) and detail (close-ups that add information).

I’m looking for landmarks that give a sense of place. When you look at these photos, it should be obvious what city this is in (if you’re at all familiar with American cities).

I look for faces that express emotion and the feeling of participating in the event. And detail shots like the runners in the crosswalk below, give viewers a closer look at the action. That photo conveys action/motion, a sense of place (a large, downtown crosswalk), and a detail of colorful shoes (something I saw a lot of).

Interesting Angles

I also look for angles that show an event from a different perspective. The photo below is my favorite unique angle from this shoot. I held the camera on the ground and pointed up. People move by so quickly that I can’t plan the exact photo. My intention was to have the legs and shoes of a runner in the foreground of the photo, exactly as they are here. I looked for a group of runners so that there would be runners at varying distances form the camera, but the second runner being framed by the first runner was a happy accident.

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