

I’m not sure what I was looking for when I left my office in the middle of the afternoon to go take photos.  Typically, I avoid shooting in the middle of the day because of the harsh light, but I was feeling anxious after sitting at my desk for hours and thought I’d try to work with it.


I had a very symmetrical version of this photo with no vehicles, but I was drawn to this version with the dump truck. Special thanks to the driver for not smacking me in the head with his mirror.
I had a very symmetrical version of this photo with no vehicles, but I was drawn to this version with the dump truck. Special thanks to the driver for not smacking me in the head with his mirror.
This construction is at the site where I took photos of the land being cleared in April. Moving fast!
The rubble and steeple had similar shapes. I found it interesting.
Waiting to join up with new pavement.


The restaurant owner was curious of my motives for taking photos of his business, but I didn’t have any. It’s been a while since someone was suspicious of me taking photos. I kind of missed it!
New neighborhood meets old neighborhood.

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