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Check out 2019 Indy Mural Fest

indy mural fest indianapolis art

Inaugural Indy Mural Fest

We love to celebrate art and artists, so I was excited to photograph a new event in Indianapolis: Indy Mural Fest. I appreciate their mission to have a festival full of LOCAL artists, so the full talent of our city is on public display.

Another important factor is that all artists are paid for their work. As a working artist myself, I know how much of a reward it is to be hired for your own vision, so it’s great to see others provided that same opportunity.

indy mural fest indianapolis art
indy mural fest indianapolis art
indy mural fest indianapolis art
indy mural fest indianapolis art
indy mural fest indianapolis art
indy mural fest indianapolis art

See it Yourself

A great thing about this mural art is that it’s on display around the clock in public places. Take a look at this map and go see the art for yourself!

indy mural fest indianapolis art
indy mural fest indianapolis art

Director’s Cut

If you’re interested in seeing even more images from this event, subscribe to our newsletter for a full gallery. Click here to sign up. After entering your email, you’ll see this past week’s newsletter containing a link to a password-protected gallery.

Our newsletter is the place we give a first-looks and extended galleries of my weekly stories. It also includes extras like free downloads, tips, discounts on prints and more.

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