carmel development

Just down the street from me, there were about 20 acres of trees that are there no longer.  Looks like they’re making room for another “mixed-use” blah, blah, blah.  Anyways, I felt compelled to go over and take some photos…

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  1. These are very powerful images. Iv’e come to expect no less of you, but every time you send a link there is a new subject that brings an emotive response. I am not a gun person or a sports person or an environmentalist, but your pictures say more to me about these topics than most other mediums. Thank you for taking your camera over to this site, and sharing it on your blog. Many of us pass such things and wonder if it’s really necessary for “development”, yet few have a gift that allows them to react and document in such a powerful way.

  2. Trees… 🙁

    When we moved here we were Carmel by the CORN. Thank heavens for our parks system providing some unspoiled spaces.

    Thanks for sharing your photojournalism.

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