Personal Legend Project: Penelope Dullaghan

Personal Legend Project: Penelope Dullaghan

Penelope Dullaghan, Illustrator & Designer Penelope’s work is primarily influenced by nature, and she takes daily walks along the river behind her home.  Frequently she paints or sketches what she finds.  Her work is used both commercially and editorially and credits include Crate & Barrel, The New York Times, Starbucks, O Magazine and Target.  Be sure to…



Getting out in atypical weather is always something I enjoy.  Wednesday we had an unusually dense fog that lingered until nearly noon.  In looking for an interesting place to shoot it, I ended up at Prairie View Golf Club.  I was happy to find some golfers out in the fog, which made for some interesting images.

dream cars indianapolis museum of art

Dream Cars

Today I went to the Indianapolis Museum of Art to check out the exhibit Dream Cars. I love to shoot cars.  And as you’ll see, I mostly like to shoot detail shots of cars.  “God is in the details,” said architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and it definitely shows in these works of art….

Indy First Friday

Indy First Friday

Thought I’d get out and do some shooting yesterday evening.  I went to the Cole Noble Gallery at Artistry Apartments during First Friday festivities in downtown Indianapolis.  Well, apparently First Friday an extremely large event every month (48 galleries/venues), which I’m sure everyone already knows. Unfortunately, I only had time for one stop.  Honestly, I feel like…



I’m not sure what I was looking for when I left my office in the middle of the afternoon to go take photos.  Typically, I avoid shooting in the middle of the day because of the harsh light, but I was feeling anxious after sitting at my desk for hours and thought I’d try to work…

CarmelFest Indiana


CarmelFest is a big Independence Day celebration held every year on July 3rd & 4th in Carmel, Indiana.  Since 2012, I’ve participated in the event as a sponsor and “official photographer”. I enjoy living in a smaller city where I get to see so many people I know celebrating our country together as a community….

The Whole Story

The Whole Story

Whatever I’m shooting, my aim is to document all aspects I see, so viewers will have the most complete picture possible of people in a certain place and time.  What people wear says something about their personality.  Showing surroundings creates context for the subjects and expands the viewer’s experience.  When I’m physically close to the subjects, the…