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Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall

To call the new Simon Skjodt Assembly Hall at Indiana University a renovation is to greatly understate its transformative effect.  Designed by CSO Architects and built by Shiel Sexton, the new south lobby features a soaring glass entry with modern design and technology, while retaining some key touches from the past to honor the program’s legacy.

These photos were shot for a feature in the Visit Bloomington 2017 Visitors Guide.  More images can be seen in this ZDP gallery.

The south lobby atrium.
The south facade (left) faces campus, welcoming visitors to the newly remodeled Simon Skjodt Assmebly Hall. The scoreboard that sat over center court from 1983-2005 was halved and put at the east and west sides of the south lobby. And yes, it does keep the score during games.
Center court from 1976-95 adorns the wall of the west lobby.
A new terrazzo floor features a giant crimson IU logo at its center.
The IU mens basketball team is introduced for the 2016-17 season at Hoosier Hysteria on October 22, 2016. Additions to the facility include all-new seating, a massive scoreboard and The Henke Sprit of ’76 Club (beneath banners in background).




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