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Christmas at the Zoo

Santa's Village at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Next up for our holiday events is Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis.  This is always a great event at the Indianapolis Zoo because in addition to Santa’s Village and lights throughout the zoo, a lot of the animals are out and about and available for visits.

Santa's Village at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Santa’s Village

Santa's Village at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The Bicentennial Pavilion houses Santa’s Village which includes Santa’s house, decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus, reindeer, a mirror maze and more.

Santa's Village at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Tunnel of Lights and Santa's Village at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The tunnel of lights at the edge of Santa’s Village is a popular spot for portraits and selfies (above).

Santa’s Study

Santa's Study at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Christmas at the Zoo is one of the best places around to visit Santa.  He has a very tastefully appointed study in the village.  This Santa has nailed the classic Santa look and he’s very good with the kids, as you’d expect.

Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center

Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center during Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Follow the lighted walkways to visit attractions like the Simon Skjodt International Orangutan Center.

Visiting the animals at night is a great part of Christmas at the Zoo.  Max, a three-year-old orangutan, was kept up late by visitors, but his mom did her best to get him calmed down and back to sleep.


Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana. Cownose Ray exhibit.

The oceans exhibit is a popular spot during the cold weather.  It’s close to Santa’s Village and a good place to come in and warm up for a bit.  The kids enjoyed these cownose rays (above) because they look like they’re smiling.  The California sea lions (below) like to swim laps, passing as close to the glass as possible.

Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana. Sea lion exhibit.
Santa's Village at Christmas at the Zoo in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Christmas at the Zoo is a must-do for families in central Indiana.  I recommend arriving early to enter Santa’s Village right at 5:00.  That way you can do the Christmas activities with little to no wait and spend the rest of your evening just walking through the zoo, enjoying the lights and animals.

For more Christmas at the Zoo, check out my photos from last year on this blog post.

2018 Holiday Events

As legendary Hoosier Michael Jackson once said, “Don’t stop ’til you get enough.”  So by all means, please enjoy our other posts from this season.  Click the image below.

2018 Holiday blog posts by Zach Dobson Photography

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