relish health md erica leazenby

Relish Health

Dr. Erica Leazenby of Relish Health is a trained chef and M.D. She states that her practice, “combines the joy and art of cooking with the science of food, nutrition and medicine.” Dr. Leazenby takes a holistic approach to working with patients. She helps them find dietary and lifestyle practices that are suited to the…

apple computer take apart homeschooling unschooling


What do you do with those old electronics you have around the house? Recycle them? Sure, but first, use them for a take-apart project. Kids love to see what’s inside things. The opportunity to crack open an old computer is something they can’t turn down. And whether they’re using a tiny screwdriver to remove intricate…

chocolate syrup art toddler carmel indiana

A Delicious Medium

Today we present a photo story of a young artist discovering a delicious medium. One of the many benefits of working from home when you have four (and soon five) kids who homeschool is witnessing, and subsequently documenting, their shenanigans. This is what happens when you leave a tempting item on the kitchen counter within…