Work Truck Show

2019 NTEA Work Truck Show

“TRUCKS!!!!!!” (read in the voice of Benny from the LEGO Movie yelling “SPACESHIP”) is what I hear when I get a call to come photograph some shiny new trucks at the NTEA Work Truck Show.

A few months ago my Subaru was in the shop for being 20 years old and I got a big fat pickup for a loaner. Since then I’ve been pining for a shiny new truck of my own. These trucks are slightly larger than anything I need to carry photography gear, but a man can dream!

Trucks Go

These are images I took roaming the 500,000 square feet of the Work Truck Show after my client shoot was completed.

Keep On Truckin’

A salesman asked the gentleman above if he had any questions. He said no, so the salesman launched into listing the specs of the engine. Is that one of the rules of sales? Don’t take no for an answer?

I like this image above because to me it feels like a typical office scene (man in suit with briefcase, carpeted floors, drop-ceiling with fluorescent lights), except that there’s a massive, shiny red dump truck in the background.

A lot of the larger businesses had private conference rooms built into their setups, which I found interesting. Good spot to close the deals.

Out of the Ordinary

At events like the Work Truck Show, I like to find things that are outside of an ordinary business atmosphere like people laying on the floor, shiny truck wheels on plush carpet and conversations around a different type of water-cooler…

Displays like the one above feel like shooting at an art gallery. Especially because I have taken photos of cars at an art museum. See the IMA Dream Cars post.

Drive-In Theater

Ram Trucks had a GIGANTIC video screen that I would estimate was roughly 7,000 feet tall by 211,000 feet wide. The three images below are takes on the same angle with different screen and human elements in the frame.


All images for this post were shot on my Fujifilm X-T20 (see image of me below). I like how I can move through a crowd without attracting the attention that my full set of gear draws.

If you want to try out this camera (or a similar model), I recommend Use this link to let them know I referred you.

If you want to read more about how I approach a trade show shoot for my clients, be sure to check out this post from when I shot the NTEA Work Truck Show in 2017.

Do you love trucks? Hate trucks? Have a truck? Tell me about it in the comments below. Or leave a photography question or comment since this is a photography blog. Bonus points for a combination photography/truck comment.

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